Here is a new piece of poetry from the multi-talented Christopher Chigumba (@iamCentauri on Twitter. Go and follow him!) which touches on the fascinating issue of social media and its pervasive nature in relationships between people in real life. Here’s what Chris had to say about his poem:

“The poem is about modern relationships, insecurities and the pressures of social media.

Oftentimes when you date someone who’s “popular” on social media you become “popular” too. When she MCM’s you or you WCW her and she retweets it and posts on Facebook and so on and so on it grows until you’ve created this giant social expectation to maintain the very perception you created. Its about that social monster.
its about the disconnect that one can experience when you’re finally alone together and it hits you that you got to know her by reading her posts on social media and that you dont really have much in common.
Finally, its about that peer pressure to maintain the facade. You cant dump a “popular” person and go back to your 15 followers can you?”
Poignant. now while Chris and I aren’t victims of this pressure and this phenomenon, I’m pretty sure this exists between couples, especially when the lines between real life and social media don’t get drawn. Enjoy the poem! While you read, why not play this beautiful (and relevant) song by Lupe Fiasco – The Coolest.
 “It’s Not That I” a poem by Christopher Sean Chigumba

It’s not that I don’t listen in when you answer a private call

It’s not that I think you’ll leave me but why’d you smile when you took that call?

It’s not that I don’t hurt when I see blue ticks and no reply

It’s not that I don’t think about you talking to some other guy

It’s not that I don’t see you “LOLing” that person’s tweets

It’s not that I don’t care but he’d get hurt if these were streets

It’s not that I don’t want to make you my Woman Crush Wednesday

It’s not that I don’t want to hear exactly what my ex will say

It’s not that I don’t check your Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter

It’s not that I’m a stalker but social media knows you better

It’s not that I don’t want to hold your hand and take a walk

It’s not that I don’t want to sit down, look at you, and talk

But see, my inbox is full and my mentions unsteady

I’m paying attention to two screens already!

Our love’s like a digital fiction of images

Public announcements about what our business is

Fending off suitors that openly talk to you

Acting like “oh she’s my friend” don’t you worry boo

Itching to look through your phone for some evidence

Then when it’s over I’ll bitch with my people on Twitter, cuz when I’m bitter

I’ll be posting my heart-breaking quotes on the ‘Gram

Revenge DM’ing your friends to prove I’m a man,

It’s only your worth on the networks I need

My followers add to the worth I perceive

So come take a selfie with me

Pretend like we just fell in love, will you help me deceive?

Baby please I’m begging on knees….

We’ll be popular, you’ll see….

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